How to Travel to the Spirit Realm || Journeying & Pathworking


Journeying is otherworldly travel. The goal is to move our consciousness beyond our own bodies so that we can experience other realms and communicate with ancestors, spirits, or even Gods.

Some believe that this process is really just occurring in our mind and thus not “real.” Of course, even if that is the case you can ask the philosophical question “does that make it any less real than our mundane reality?”

As with many aspects of spirituality, part of the process of journeying involves breaking away from our materialist assumptions of the world. Materialism is the assumption that everything that exists is matter and the various interactions of matter. In the materialist worldview Gods, Spirits, and even concepts like love are reduced to simple interactions of brain chemistry, and thus are not ‘real.’

To me this worldview seems to leave out so much of the beauty and mystery of the world so I have chosen not to follow a materialist worldview. I mention this because Journeying is one of those things that you won’t be able to fully access until you open your mind to the possibility that there is more than just the material world.


The first thing to consider is timing. Certain days of the year and phases of the moon are better times to practice journeying than others. Holidays like Samhain & Beltane are traditionally times when the veil between the mundane and supernatural is at its thinnest. At times like these Journeying may be easier but it’s still definitely possible to do throughout the wheel of the year.

Samhain in particular is a great time to use journeying to connect with and communicate with your ancestors and the full moon is always a great time to practice this technique.

How to Practice Journeying

With Journeying, we want to shift our consciousness and there are several ways to get into this altered state. Many people reach this altered state through entheogens like psychedelics and ayahuasca. I personally don’t really like using drugs in my practice but I wanted to mention this as it's a method that many people use and have had a lot of success with.

A common entheogen historically used by witches is known as flying ointment. This is a salve or lotion made with animal fat or vegetable oil which has been infused with poisonous, psychoactive herbs such as henbane, belladonna, and mandrake. During the early modern period there were many reports of witches using this ointment to shape shift and fly to their occult rituals. Nowadays you can get flying ointments online and in general they do tend to be pretty mild, but it’s still something you should be very careful with as it is poisonous.

Now if this all seems very overwhelming, don’t worry! You don’t need to take any substances to practice journeying. Drumming & dancing are great ways to enter an altered state. There are even a lot of guided journey meditations on Youtube that you can try if you’re just starting out.

In practicing journeying, It helps to already have a good amount of experience with mediation and calming your mind. This is because after you’ve entered an altered state through practices like drumming or chanting you want to be able to focus & quiet your mind enough so that you can listen and be open to any messages or visuals that are coming from any spirits, Gods, or ancestors.

If nothing comes through the first time, don’t feel discouraged. Journeying is definitely an advanced technique and I’ve found that it’s something that takes a lot of practice.
If any messages or visuals do come through, make sure you record them in your journal or in your grimoire if you have one so can have a record of experience.

I’d love to hear if you’ve had any experiences with journeying.
So if you feel comfortable please comment below what your own experiences with journeying have been like and if you’ve had any success with connecting to the spirit realm through this process.

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Many Blessings & Much love,
Scarlet ✨