4 Tips for New Pagans


Hi there! Here's 4 tips that I'd like to share for anyone new to the pagan path.

1) Study different paths to see what resonates with you


Paganism is an umbrella term and there are hundreds of different paths that could be considered Pagan. Perhaps your path might even involve combining a few different traditions. Don’t stress too much about making this decision right away. In my personal journey I began with Wicca but over the years I’ve found myself gravitating more towards Norse Paganism.

In my view studying and learning about these paths is a lifetime pursuit. And while reading the historical texts from your chosen path is important, it's not the whole story. This is because we as modern pagans strive to take what we’ve studied and put it into practice. The goal is use that knowledge to formulate traditions & rituals you can actually perform today that still stay true to the core beliefs of these ancient cultures.


2) Spend time in nature

If you’re looking to develop a connection with the old Gods the best place to connect with them would probably be in nature. While there is a huge variety of pagan paths most of them share a similar reverence for the natural world. Forests, streams, and mountains have been considered sacred places for thousands of years so these are great places to practice rituals or meditation.

Some Pagan cultures, like the Greeks and Romans, erected large temples as spaces to connect with the Gods while others such as the Norse Pagans and Druids situated their worship spaces in a more natural setting. Unfortunately, today we don’t have many physical temples & spaces where we can honor the Gods and those that do exist are cultural heritage sites that rarely let in modern pagans. Luckily, we’ll always have nature as a place where we can worship.

Of course, spending time outdoors doesn’t just have to be for religious reasons; as Pagans we strive to incorporate nature in our day to day life as much as possible. So go for walks and hikes as much as possible. And if you have some outdoor space at home try making a garden or set up a fire pit outside.

3) Record your Experiences

Many people who follow the Wiccan path keep a Book of Shadows or a Grimoire as a way to record their spiritual journey. In my opinion, this is a great idea even if you’re not Wiccan. Some of the things I like to include in my grimoire are recipes and crafts for the different pagan holidays, rituals & spellwork that I’ve found effective, and a list of local herbs and plants and their various uses. What you choose to keep a record of will of course be based on which Pagan path you choose to follow.

Along with my main Grimoire I also keep a dream & meditation journal so I can record any interesting messages and symbols that may be coming through from the other realm.

4) Create an Altar


An altar can be a great way to connect with the Gods on a daily basis. Some Pagans keep an indoor altar, some have an outdoor altar, and some have multiple altars. Since I live in the city, I don’t have an outdoor altar but I do have 2 small indoor altars.

I use a bookshelf in my bedroom as one altar where I keep my runes, my tarot decks, incense, and a few statues of the Gods. I also use the mantle of my fireplace as an altar space and I change it up for the different Pagan holidays. Once you’ve set up an altar it becomes a sacred space where you can leave offerings for the Gods, mediate, or perform rituals.

I hope you enjoyed this post and my corresponding video. Comment below what tips you would like to share for any new pagans out there. And if you'd like to support me in my quest to create free & educational content for Pagans, I'd love for you to consider joining my community on Patreon.

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