New Year's Resolutions - Pagan Edition


Chicago is swimming in Arctic air at the moment.  I cover up in scarves, hats, and mittens yet still the bracing cold seems to find a way to chatter my teeth and send shivers down my spine.  I’m currently seeking refuge in the warmth of a local cafe as I write this.  I choose a seat furthest from the frosty windows and quickly order a steaming mug of hot coffee with hope that my hair will soon defrost from the winter’s chill.  The holiday season is now officially over and for us cold-weather dwellers that means looking towards more months of snow and frost.  Luckily, we can find ways to supersede seasonal depression by using the time ahead for a life reboot.

So as I look ahead to the upcoming year, here are some things that I will be working on to improve my Pagan practice.

Regularly Update (and Clean) My Altar

A couple weeks ago I was adding some Yule touches to my altar and discovered that a few of my statues had not been dusted in a while and there was incense ash in various places on my altar cloth.  I’ll admit that cleaning is not my favorite task.  I know that I should be taking better care of my sacred objects so this year I’m aiming to make sure I clean all my altar tools and objects monthly.  In addition, I will strive to update my altar more often so that it more accurately reflects the seasonal changes.

Go for A Walk Everyday


Yes, this means even when it’s February and the thermostat reads -1 degree.  There’s a Scandinavian saying that roughly translates to ‘there is no such thing as bad weather; there is merely the possibility of not being dressed appropriately.’  So this year I aim to be ready for any type of weather so that I can make connecting with nature a part of my daily routine.

Eat Seasonally

Along with going for walks I would like to incorporate more seasonally appropriate vegetables and fruits in my diet as a way to further connect with our natural world.  In this way I will be celebrating the Wheel of the Year not just through my Sabbat rituals but during each meal.

Find A Community

Being a solitary pagan can be lonely sometimes, especially around the sabbats.  While there are occasional pagan events and rituals in my area, they always seem too far away or I’m too busy to make it.  Though honestly, I could make more of an effort.  So this year I will strive to make room in my schedule to attend Pagan events in my local area and hopefully make some more Pagan friends.  

Attend A Public Festival or Convention

Along with working to connect with my local Pagan groups I would like to meet others in the wider pagan community.  While I have attended Chicago Pagan Pride before I would like to travel this year to one of the larger pagan festivals or conventions in America.  Message in the comments below if you would like to recommend a specific pagan convention or festival.

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Master the Runes

As a full time tarot reader most of my day consists of giving readings and continuing to build my knowledge of the cards.  This year I would like to expand my divination experience and learn more about the runes.  While I’ve already begun my education on runes, their meanings, and various Norse myths, this year I would like to further expand my knowledge.  Do you have a favorite book about runes?  Let me know in the comments below and I’ll be sure to add it to my reading list.



What are your Pagan New Year’s Resolutions?  List yours in the comments below.